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Market Place, East side

5.2  Listed building, 8 High St
Built in 1904. It stands apart from other buildings in the area both through its colour scheme and aspects of its design: its green tiling;
large semi-circular first floor window divided into segments; and the decorated "pepperpots" on either side.

Detail on 8 High St


5.3  Listed building, 1 & 2 Market Place, formerly Lloyds Bank
Dates from the 1870s. The upper floors are of rubbed brick, that is sanded to produce a smooth surface.
The ground floor is faced in stone, with a pink and grey granite entrance.

5.4  Listed building, 13-16 Market Place, formerly NatWest bank
Built during the mid 19th century. It is described in the listing text as Renaissance palace style. The building is constructed mostly of Bath stone,
with the parapet at the top being of Portland stone and the pilasters by the doorways of pink granite.

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